Spring has finally sprung, time to replace the snow shovels with the garden shovels and get your house ready for summer. But wait! Not so fast. As we have recently seen in some parts of the country, mother nature can still rear her ugly head One of the points we made in preparing for spring cleaning article was to create a list of the areas in your home that are not part of your routine cleaning. Here’s how to tackle some of those items and some things you may not have thought about, like a pro.

Clean one “task” at a time

Rather than cleaning one room, then moving to the next room, consider cleaning by task (dusting, mopping, sponge cleaning walls, etc.) It’s not only more efficient, but it prevents you from feeling like you’re working on the same task over and over again.

The first task… Clear the Clutter

Our lives are hectic. We never have enough time to put things away as we use them. Miscellaneous items, like papers, magazines, shoes and even clean clothes, are placed in piles “just for now.” We believe we’ll get to them later, but “later” can often turn into weeks or even months. So, before you start cleaning, go from room to room and put away anything that isn’t where it belongs. Once you have the clutter out of the way, it’s time to tackle those neglected areas on your list.

Remove Greasy Build Up

Over time, greasy build-up can collect on your kitchen cabinets. If you don’t run the exhaust hood while you cook, grease can even settle on the tile walls and the ceiling over your range. This is not something you can easily paint over. Let soak for 1-5 minutes depending on the size and difficulty of stain. Do not allow to dry. Then rinse and clean as you would normally. It is safe on a wide variety of surfaces. Follow directions on the label

Deep Clean and Freshen your Garage Disposal

Many people don’t think about their garbage disposals until they start smelling foul odors coming from their sink. This is caused by small bits of food lodged deep inside the parts of the disposal. You may have read about “cleaning hacks” using lemons or ice, but these methods are problematic. Ice only loosens the large pieces on the blade surface and lemons only mask the smell temporarily, and over time, the acid from the juice can damage the internal ports. For a deep clean that is safe to use regularly and keep your sink free from odors. Drop a pod into your sink every week or two and let the foaming action do all the work.

Remove Tough Mold & Mildew Stains

If you’re still reading this, you are one of those who cares about a clean house and chances are that you know how to mop and wipe the surfaces in your house and you do it routinely. However, you still may have noticed mold and mildew stains in areas that are more damp, like bathroom sinks, tubs and showers and parts for the kitchen. One small stain can carry tens of thousands of spores and they not only create a “musky” odor, but that can also lead to respiratory problems, especially in those who are asthmatic, have allergies or respiratory issues. These stains don’t come out during your regular cleanings. Spring cleaning is a great time to tackle those tough spots. First, check all your vents and pipes to make sure there’s no water leakage since mold and mildew need damp areas to spread.

Keep your dishwasher clean and efficiently operating

You might think that dishwashers do a fine job cleaning themselves and, to a certain extent, they do. But minerals from the water and detergents can build up over time leaving the jets and other internal components not operating properly, or worse, failing to operate at all. Depending on how old your dishwasher is, you may have rust that you don’t see until it’s too late.


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