The state of an employees’ workplace greatly influences their productivity, performance and well-being. They approach a job differently if they are happy to come to the office, if they feel safe, if the space makes them feel healthy and able to perform at their best. Even when busy and with a large workload, a staff member who feels comfortable in their workspace will perform better. Oppositely, an uncleanly work space, whether full of dust, with dirty carpets, piled up trash, unclean bathrooms, funny odors, unsightly kitchens – can become a breeding ground for bacteria and lead to colds, flu, illnesses, workplace injuries, and more that spread like wildfire around the office. This takes an effect on employees’ absenteeism from using company sick time, which leads to a loss of productivity, hampering of project schedules, a decrease in company morale, loss of profit, and so on! A clean and healthy workplace truly can make all the difference and have the ball rolling in the right direction!


Below are five main reasons why it is important to keep a clean work space:

Improved Motivation & Performance

For many employees, they are spending 8 to 10 hours a day in their workspace. Walking into a messy and dirty office is not particularly motivating. However, walking into a clean environment is a good way to start the day on a positive note. A clean area to work in can give you a clear head, good energy, and motivating to perform all your daily tasks efficiently. Employees are happy to come to work in a space that is clean and comforting, and perform better when they are happy to be at work.

Your Company’s Image

Company image matters. You sell your services, but you also sell the company as a whole. The way your company’s office looks is a direct reflection of how they operate. Potential clients may be turned off if they saw a business so slovenly, and might change their minds about who they do business with. A dirty office, aside from being a hazard to employees, is exactly the sort of thing that can tarnish a company’s reputation. Employees do not want to work for a company with a dirty office environment. You can attract the right people with a well-maintained office space. You can attract clients, potential employees, and generally keep the current workforce happy.

Occupation Safety

Occupational hazards – anything in the workplace that can cause harm – happen when employees work in a messy environment. These hazards are caused by neglect on the part of the employer. When an office or work space isn’t clean, the hazard can go unnoticed, and this is when employees get hurt. For example, the lights are all dirty- so filthy that the light is dimmed and an employee misses a step and falls. Or the bathroom toilet has a drip and has created a puddle of water that is not dripping and creating a slip hazard.

If trash or boxes are piling up, they may fall on a worker and cause an injury. Keeping the workplace free of debris is important for worker safety.


A clean work environment improves employees sense of well-being and health. Germs, bacteria and disease thrive in a dirty environment. In fact, health hazards of unclean work spaces are too many to name.