Kitchen Cleaning Tips

Between dirty dishes and spilling when cooking, your kitchen goes through a lot every day. Your kitchen is an essential room in your home since it’s the center of your day-to-day living. Kitchen cleaning should become a habit in your household. While deep cleaning your kitchen is important to do a few times a year, there are things you can do daily and weekly to keep your kitchen clean. To ensure you know how to clean a kitchen, here are a few kitchen cleaning tips that you need to keep in mind.

Clean While Waiting

Cooking certain meals with a long wait time means that you have free time to clean while waiting for the food to cook. Instead of standing around, you should start unloading your dishwasher or clean your cooking utensils. Give your countertops a good wipe and let the water drain in your sink.

 Vacuum Your Cabinets

Instead of wasting your time picking up the crumbs in your cabinets with a cloth, you should use your vacuum. Use a vacuum brush attachment to help suck the small crumbs and leftovers in your shelves and pantry cabinets.

Wipe Away Spills Right Away

Neglecting spills may ruin your precious countertops with stains that may cause discoloration. It also gets harder to wipe the dried-up gunk when you wait too long. You may need to scrape it away or soak it in water for a few minutes to wipe it away with ease.

Have a Place for Everything

Kitchen organization is essential if you want to have a proper flow in the kitchen and make it safer for you and others. Keeping your knives or plates in one place helps you find the items you need much quicker. A disorganized kitchen requires extra hard work and patience to find the exact utensils or ingredients you need.

Make sure you have a place to store your cooking utensils, spices, food, and so on. This way, you don’t have to worry about relocating all the clutter to clean and maintain your drawers, cabinets, and countertops.

 Always Clean Your Appliances

Our kitchen appliances make it easier for anyone to cook, but leaving it dirty may affect your health. Start by cleaning your oven and microwave by wiping off stubborn food stains with water and vinegar. Use water and baking soda solution and leave it on for 12 hours to remove stuck-on grease.

Don’t forget to wipe down the inside and outside of your refrigerator. Vacuum the inside and clean the evaporative coils.

Scrub the Disposal Guard

Avoid having a smelly sink by cleaning your splash guard. Food can linger on the underside of your sink’s disposal guard. Clean it up by lifting the flaps and scrubbing them with a grease-cutting cleaner and a toothbrush.

 Set a Schedule for Certain Things

To ensure you clean everything in your kitchen, list down all the areas you need to clean, from the floor to the ceiling. You can do this for every part of your house, such as your bathroom, bedroom, living room, and so on. For example, unload your dishwasher after breakfast or wash the dishes after dinner.