Bathroom Cleaning Tips

It may be the smallest room in our house but it’s always the dirtiest. Aside from dealing with the a strong odor down there, we also need to scrub the tiles thoroughly to avoid the buildup of mold and mildew.

Based from our experience, there are a lot of people who wanted to have a clean bathroom but it’s sometimes hard to keep up with for so many reasons. And so, people tend to ask for a help in cleaning the bathroom.


Remove unnecessary items

It is best if you start from clearing your way or get rid of the clutter. All grooming tools or bath accessories but must be returned to its proper places like cabinets or drawers. Discard empty bottles and expired products immediately. Any unused toiletries or hand towels must be placed under the sink, inside a cabinet or on its shelf. Of course, you have to throw any used items to the garbage can and put dirty towels in your laundry basket.

Spray all surfaces

This is the time where you need to get your all purpose cleaner, toilet and bathtub cleaner and spray it all over the place. But wait! If your bathroom need dusting from the top or in your ceiling, it is best to grab a mop stick with a paper towel or microfiber cloth on it to wipe it away.

Clean the toilet

Since you have soaked it with an all purpose cleaner / or your chosen product, it will now be easy to scrub and wipe it’s surfaces. Start with the bowl, get your toilet brush and thoroughly scrub the inside with all your might. Rim and seat areas should be cleaned as well, so use your microfiber cloth to wipe all hidden germs and then flush away. Make sure to rinse your toilet brush and spray some cleaner before placing it back to its holder.

Clean the shower and tub

Get your scrub brush or old toothbrush and go into details. If there are stains or spots in the corners, walls and tub. Hit them with your brush and scrub away, you can still add a cleaner if needed, then rinse all surfaces well and wipe with a clean cloth.

If you have clogged shower head, get a zip lock bag and rubber band, pour a white vinegar with an amount that will cover the shower head, put it inside the zip lock bag and tie it with the rubber band. Let it sit for an hour or so and run the water for at least 2 minutes to remove the remaining residue.

Clean the sink and counter

Wipe it all down with your microfiber cloth. Make sure to thoroughly wipe the faucet base or handles, counter tops and back splash you sprayed earlier. If there are tough stains, use your old toothbrush again and scrub it until it removes the dirt.

If you want to clean your drain, pour 1 cup of baking soda and run a hot water to remove stuck deposits and bad odors.

Don’t forget your mirror. If you have a glass cleaner, that will do but a wet cloth with natural water can also remove stains on the mirror. You can just wipe it all down and you’ll see yourself again clearly.

Clean the floor

We are about to finish! Since your toilet, shower and tub are all clean, it is time to focus on the floors. If there are small pieces of dirt that fall from dusting, get a broom and dustpan to give it a quick clean. Fill your bucket of a warm water and detergent or your desired floor cleaner, then give a good scrub and run a mop over it to the entire flooring. Leave the floor to air-dry because you might slip or dry it off with a cloth.

Put clean towels and bathmat.

When all your surfaces are cleaned, it’s also important to change your hand towels and bathmat for an overall cleaning. Place those dirty towels in a laundry basket and load it to the washing machine. Dispose empty napkin rolls and put a new one.

All discarded items should be placed in one trash bag and don’t forget to remove it from the bathroom. Replace your garbage can a plastic bag and you’re good to go!

And that’s it!! Cleaning your bathroom done! Give yourself a clap and a pat on the back for cleaning your bathroom. If you’ll do it regularly or at least twice a week, then this job becomes much less painful.

We hope that this step by step procedure will help you to be ready whenever you have a quick visit or occasion coming up.